Sunday, April 10, 2011

Thoughts To Remember

Sunday that i am having now is quite different from usual routines i always do.

This once in a moon opportunity i try to pack in a lot of beneficial things. Realizing there are several TIME magazines i haven't read yet, then Alhamdulillah Allah has given me ample time to finish up reading all those materials. Just to improve and enhance knowledge in everything Allah Knows the best for me.

One of the topics highlighted in the magazine is about Go Ahead-Cry at work.. telling the readers how emotions affect ourselves being at workplace.

I am quite surprised and wondered why did the writer come up with this topic? Didn't she think that it's normal when people could never be seperated from own feelings?

The emotions i mean here such as anger, frustration, fear, anxiety and many more..

I was quite shocked when the writer wrote "...there are no clear protocols about emotional expression in the office".. saying that, are we a robot?, sensing nothing whenever we get scolded by anyone in the workplace or no response if our words did not meet our expectation?

For me, i agree when it says that "when someone gets emotional in the workplace, it makes the person seem more human".

Ha ha . . Maybe because i would also in the same situation as if my students did not do any tasks i had given them earlier, my temper would definitely rise.(However, most of the time i will try to get over the temper first)

We are just human being. Imperfect. Plus, showing the emotions should not be judging as signal of unprofessionalism or weakness. The issue is just....

How do we cope with those such feelings?

For example, a nice teacher sobbing after entered her class.. a disciplinary teacher gets temper with his students.
Therefore, when we meet people who express their feelings physically, let's try to understand their circumstances first.

Dont be too hurry judging them this and this.

Do listen and slow talk to them.

Once they have finished with theirs, show your love attitude. Give pleasant advice if necessary.

If we are the person who experincing it, then the first foremost is to be calm down. Release the feelings without letting others hurt.

Here, a good muslim should know well in handling himself/herself against disturbing times off him/her.

Learn to express of anger, frustration or sadness by equipping yourself with sense of control over the situation. Surely, we can avoid many terrible things from happening.

Lastly, i like this quotation taken from hadith saying:

"Orang mukmin yang kuat lebih baik daripada orang mukmin yang lemah. Oleh itu berpegang teguhlah pada tiap-tiap kebajikan yang akan memberi manfaat dan mohonlah pertolongan kepada Allah "                                                                                                                               
                                                                            -Hadith Riwayat Muslim

PS: Have a wonderful weekends dear.. ;)

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